Magic power from mushrooms


🇺🇸 🇬🇧 They aim to reduce the amount of plastic used in consumer products by growing better materials that are compatible with Earth, like meat alternative products, biodegradable packaging materials, animal-free leather and more. Ecovative Design has developed a material with the same properties as plastic, but made from the mycelium – the white filaments – of mushrooms. It’s a high-performance packaging solution that’s cost-competitive with conventional foams, yet 100% home compostable.

🇧🇷 Reduzir o consumo de plástico substituindo por materiais à base de fungos. Sim, você não leu errado! Fungos! Eles criam embalagens, produtos e descartáveis em qualquer formato e tamanho com as mesmas propriedades do plástico, mas totalmente compostáveis (ricos em nutrientes que ajudam o meio ambiente). Já pensou ter luminárias, portas, caixas, calçados e mesmo bolsas de luxo feito de "cogumelos"?

Marcio Cantelli

Expert in consumer behavior, eternally in beta mode and always curious about what’s next.

Straight to the point without marketing fluff words: You need customers for your company and someone that brings you fresh insights to retain them. Bottom line, that’s what I do.


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